Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Last Few Days Before Break!

- We are still collecting food items that are packaged in bags or boxes for donation. The generosity of the students is so heartwarming!

- We are singing Christmas Carols in the gym at 9:00 on Thursday. Parents are welcome to join us!

Gift Exchange:
- On Thursday we are going to have a little gift exchange. We don't know who will get our gift so it will be a surprise! The only rule is that students have to make the gift, and wrap it. They should find supplies around the house. No purchasing allowed!

Report Cards:
- Report cards are coming home tomorrow. Students know it is an important document that they should share with parents once they get home. Please keep the contents and send the signed envelope back to school so it can be used again in June.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Library Books

Monday is the day we need to return all library books so they can be cataloged before the break. Please look for any books you have misplaced or have forgotten about.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Winter Celebration: Thursday 6:00-9:00 pm

 Tonight is our Winter Celebration!
We are so excited about the new initiatives we are trying this year.
Please remember to bring a cash donation to support the purchase of the perishable items for the Christmas hampers.
While you are at the event, I hope you enjoy all the activities: placemats & cards for donation, hot chocolate/cider to warm you up, New Years' messages to our Armed Forces overseas, making bird feeders for our little feathered friends, and carol singing.
Before you leave, visit the trees to take a tag or 2 to purchase a gift for the members of the families we are supporting through our hamper program! 

Hope to see you all there! 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Building our Regions

We each got a group that has a region. The regions are Boreal Forest, Rocky Mountains, Foothills, Parkland, Grasslands, and Canadian Shield.

Today we continued building on our map piece to make a topographical map of Alberta. It was really tricky to make it because some cities are in more than one region and the trees are hard to make.

Donation Items for the Mustard Seed

Today we collected a lot of toiletries for our team. We brought in 40 items, and Mrs. Kousouris' class brought in 72 items!!

We can still bring items in for Monday & Tuesday. Our class goal is to get to 60!

We are also collecting canned food for next week. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

In the Spirit of Generosity...

Today students brought home a flyer advertising how and what we are doing to support those in need. 

We are having a friendly competition to bring in items. This week we are collecting travel-sized toiletry items and socks for adults. I am confident our team will be superstars of generosity!
Here are some of the items you can donate.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sharing Our Learning

Students: Please share the artifact you posted on Iris. Remember to explain how this is an example of how you were persistent with your learning!